Zumin List

This is affiliate program from zumin group. You can send mail to other person, promote your account, and many activities. For more information, click this

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Update New PTC

Today I participate a new Indonesian PTC, this is sinusbux and this information :
- $0.0075/click and $0.05/click to standart member.
- $0.015/click and $0.01/click to premium member

this is screenshoot :

click sinusbux if you want to participate like me.

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My New PTC

Today I has join many PTC in my list, its very promises, if you want any income, there are :

1. idr-clickit.com

you will get $0.005 every click and can PO when $20, click this

2. indoadvert.com

3. zuminbux.com

4. zumincash.com

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